I Was 'Trying My Best' And Still Miserable...


My own journey has taken me from not wanting to live anymore: clinically diagnosed (so you know its legit and you should pity me) anxiety and depression disorders… 

…All the way to letting go of myself and not taking it all so personally. Results? Peace of mind, freedom, and an innate sense wellbeing (Most of the time!).

Now that I am free from my self, nothing is more enjoyable to me than helping you turn your glimpses of freedom into your factory settings.

Quick Facts:

  1. A hairy, outdoors loving, universe-trusting, easy-going, light-hearted, life enthusiast.
  2. I Value: A quiet mind, wellbeing, being silly, connecting deeply, exploring every aspect of human experience, sharing understanding & Insights.
  3. Science and Spirituality point to the same truths: I pop them in the blender so that anyone can enjoy the smoothie.
Website Happy Tree Cropped

I was 'Trying My Best' And Still Miserable...

Website Happy Tree Cropped

My own journey has taken me from not wanting to live anymore: clinically diagnosed (so you know its legit and you should pity me) anxiety and depression disorders… 

…All the way to letting go of myself and not taking it all so personally. Results? Peace of mind, freedom, and an innate sense wellbeing (Most of the time!).

Now that I am free from my self, nothing is more enjoyable to me than helping you turn your glimpses of freedom into your factory settings.

Quick Facts:

  1. A hairy, outdoors loving, universe-trusting, easy-going, light-hearted, life enthusiast.
  2. I Value: A quiet mind, wellbeing, being silly, connecting deeply, exploring every aspect of human experience, sharing understanding & Insights.
  3. Science and Spirituality point to the same truths: I pop them in the blender so that anyone can enjoy the smoothie.

Your obsession with understanding yourself and others looks absolutely exhausting. Most of us barely get through the quick start guide. You’re on your 5th run through the small print the manufacturer hopes no one ever reads.”

Alex Percival. Oldest Friend. Total Legend.

Elliot Evans, MAC

Coaching is in vogue. For most of human history, we called it leadership.

‘People can only meet you as far as they’ve met themselves’ – Matt Kahn. I can only lead you if I’ve been been there myself.

Imagine your new boss turned up with 7 qualifications, but no actual experience leading, how would that play out?

Knowledge + Experimentation & Experience = wisdom.

So, This is why you should trust me:

Elliot Evans, MAC

Coaching is in vogue. For most of human history, we called it leadership.

‘People can only meet you as far as they’ve met themselves’ – Matt Kahn. I can only lead you if I’ve been been there myself.

Imagine your new boss turned up with 7 qualifications, but no actual experience leading, how would that play out?

Knowledge + Experimentation & Experience = wisdom.

So, This is why you should trust me:

  • Trained & Certified with the UK’s leading Coaching Association.
  • 1st Class Honours Degree in Management & Leadership (fat lot of use that was!)
  • In 10 career years I have:
    • Run 3 businesses (‘I’m afraid I’ll fail…’)
    • Worked in big banks (‘I’m so bored. Is this all there is to life?’)
    • Chased my dream of being the next Taylor Swift (‘Following my passion is too risky.’)
    • Traded (badly!) for hedge funds (‘The money is too good to pass up!’)
    • Had 2 breakdowns (Still Going. Still learning)
    • Had Therapy, Counselling, Coaching and everything in between!
    • Tried 95+% of the self development techniques out there. On myself. Seriously. Uberman Sleep Schedule? Done. Only eating Huel for 2 months? Yep.

I dedicate my time to my craft, not my marketing. If you’re looking for someone who is featured in Forbes (hint: they paid to be!), or has done 11 corporate, slick-logo’d coaching courses… Then leave this page.

– Trained & Certified with the UK’s leading Coaching Association.

– 1st Class Honours Degree in Management & Leadership (Wasn’t much use!)

– My Career So far:

  • Run 3 businesses (‘I’m afraid I’ll fail…’)
  • Worked in big banks (‘I’m so bored. Is this all there is to life?’)
  • Chased my dream of being the next Taylor Swift (‘Following my passion is too risky.’)
  • Traded (badly!) for hedge funds (‘The money is too good to pass up!’)
  • Had 2 breakdowns (Still Going. Still learning)
  • Had Therapy, Counselling, Coaching, and everything in between.
  • Tried 95+% of the self development techniques out there. On myself. Seriously. Uberman Sleep Schedule? Done. Only eating Huel for 2 months? Yep.

I dedicate my time to my craft, not my marketing. If you’re looking for someone who is featured in Forbes (hint: they paid to be!), or has done 11 corporate, slick-logo’d coaching courses… Then leave this page.


Free Stress to wellbeing kickstart

Your chance to work with me one on one

Together we will explore:

  • What blocks you taking the confidence, ease & glow of retreat home into your busy, daily life. 
  • You will leave with an understanding of how to live from this place of well-being, no matter the situation.

To book your spot whilst it’s still available, use the calendar below.